My Town: Grandparents House – Review

My Town: Grandparents House – Review



There are times when you want to get on with some daily task but find yourself looking after the young ones and the hours of the  day slipping away. Spending time with them is precious but you will have to cook, tidy up and do the other mundane tasks before your other half come home. So what can you use for a little distraction for the children so you can get that hour or two. I recommend the My Town: Grandparents app for iOS. It’s an highly interactive and fun app for kids.

My Town: Grandparents app is an addition to the huge franchise of the My Town series develop by My Town Games Ltd. They are digital dollhouse games. With the grandparents version you can get the kids to visit the fictional grandparents house without leaving their own living room. The app allows children to have fun in the highly interactive surroundings and see what the grandparents house look like. The children will be able to visit dad’s old room make a mess of it and leave, switch lights on and off, water the plants so they don’t dry out, watch TV, help grandma with the cooking and even try on clothes. With the app you can interact with just about everything on your device screen. You can visit different parts of the house, basement, bedrooms, kitchen and more, when you get there you will have something to do. There is also a ghost lurking around which you can track through the house. It’s all great fun and will no doubt keep the little ones busy.


Playing the game is easy. When you first start you are not given any instructions but you quickly learn that you can get a lot done. The game is made and have kids ages 6-8 in mind, however a 3 year old with the parents at hand will find the game exciting. The My Town series are like dollhouses pack with a lot of options to educate and entertain children. There are different versions, you have My Town: Home, My Town: Preschool, My Town: Beauty Spa and Loads more.

The My Town: Grandparents is just as great, exciting and interactive as the other versions. Download it for only $2.99 and keep the little ones busy.


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