Mahalo Fan Appreciation Weekend: Get 19 top-selling apps for free!

Mahalo Fan Appreciation Weekend: Get 19 top-selling apps for free!


Mahalo Fan Appreciation Weekend

With the recession still rearing its ugly head, we’re all looking to save money wherever we can; which is why it’s great news that Mahalo are giving their 19 top-selling apps away for free!

For this weekend only, the generous app developers are allowing their loyal fans and any newcomers to get all of their top apps on their iPhones and iPads without paying a penny.

Here are just a few of the apps that will be free:

With Learn Premiere Pro 5.5, take a step-by-step tutorial through one of the most commonly used video editing programs. Learn how to take your project to the next level with special effects and animation, discover many of the technical aspects the program offers and craft your own unique editing style with color, music and transitions.

With Celebrity Hairstyles, you’ll soon be modeling your tresses after all of your favorite actresses. Learn what actually goes into Snooki’s six-inch pouf, make yourself look absolutely regal with Kate Middleton’s signature curls and find out what common household item can be used to recreate Lady Gaga’s hair bow.

Or put on your dancing shoes and tap along with the How To Tap Dance app, which will teach you more than 60 tap steps, the best warm-up routines and even a calorie-blasting cardio number that will have you dancing off the pounds.

If you’re an inveterate gamer, try one of their many gaming apps, like Angry Birds, SoulCaliber V and Cut the Rope walkthroughs. These high-quality video guides show you how to beat your friends’ highest scores, find all the Easter eggs and unlock even the toughest levels with ease.

All of these apps and more can be found in the app store, either by searching for the name of the app or for Incorporated. And for “Fan Appreciation Weekend,” they’re free!



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