Keeping Track Of Your Mileage Expenses Is Easy With MileWiz

Keeping Track Of Your Mileage Expenses Is Easy With MileWiz



The 21st century is abound with entrepreneurs and the self employed trying to carve out a living for themselves, becoming their own bosses and eventually freeing themselves of the corporate shackles that would have otherwise inhibited them from taking control of their own lives. I’m one of them – a freelancer that is (not quite up to entrepreneurial status just yet) and although I love my life, it can at times be financially unstable; that’s why keeping track of all expenses is so important for that end of year tax return. But hoarding receipts and keeping up-to-date log books can be a bit messy to say the least, so any help that we can get is much appreciated. MileWiz, the mileage tracking app by SilverWiz Ltd keeps track of your miles helping you keep track of your expenses and most importantly, possible tax deductions.

Although very handy for the self-employed MileWiz is a nifty app for those who are required to drive for their job or use a company car as well. By Automatically recording your trips, you can utilise the easy-to-use and intuitive interface to categorise your trip into either ‘personal’ or ‘business’ with an easy left or right swipe of the thumb.

MileWiz also supports different drivers and cars so if you find yourself in need of using a different vehicle for work, fear not as the app can easily integrate to keep track of all your different vehicular expenses. You can even assign clients and tags for your trips so if you drive for multiple companies then it will keep them all seperate making billing invoices that much easier.

The app is free to install and the first 20 drives of each month will be free as well. After that, it’s unlimited drives for $4.99/month or $49.99 for the whole year. Something else worth noting for all the Apple lovers out there is that MileWiz will soon be available for the ever-coveted Apple Watch as well as other IOS devices.

If you find yourself driving a lot for work and keeping track of all your receipts is becoming too much of a job in of itself then I think that MileWiz is a great little financial helper and well worth trying out.

Drive into a simpler life and download MileWiz from the App Store today!


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