He is She is: Discover The Reasons Behind Friends’ Behaviour (Sponsored)

He is She is: Discover The Reasons Behind Friends’ Behaviour (Sponsored)


he is she is
We all love to play the ‘coffee table psychology’ game and assess our peers’ moods, and actions so it’s with a big smile that I can announce the release of a new app that brings a very intuitive personality test into your iPhone’s screen. Whether you’re worried about a family member’s erratic behaviour or you just want to get to the bottom of why your best buddy has been ignoring you for the last few days then He is She is can help you out.

All you have to do is create a profile for one or several individuals and input the data as it comes to you; the app will do the rest. With a wide range of potential actions and behavioural traits that are listed as ‘assigned keywords’ such as “smells of alcohol” or “refuse listen”, you can assign each keyword to each profile. The app will then amalgamate the information and produce results that can be surprisingly accurate.

he is she is iPhone apps
He is She is: Discover The Reasons Behind Friends’ Behaviour (Sponsored)

The results can vary between sexual addiction, ADHD, paranoid, stressed, infidelity, alcoholic, psycho, and more (quite the bunch of mates you have!), however, you can use this advice to help your friends modify their behaviour as well as drawing greater insight into who you choose to spend your time with.

he is she is iPhone App Review
Hide the cutlery, she’s a psycho!

The layout of the app is very intuitive and pretty easy to use; you can also share your results on social media sites and add as many profiles as you like.


  • He is She is is a very fun way to get inside your friends’ heads; you can take it as seriously as you like by using it to assess any of your pals’ real problems or just have a bit of a giggle over which one of your mates thinks about sex the most!


  • It’s fun, innovative and very entertaining.
  • You can add several profiles meaning that you can keep tabs on your whole friend group.

Room For Improvement

  • I would just be a little careful about which results you choose to share on Facebook…!
Sponsored App Feature: This is a sponsored app. Every week we do one sponsored app feature where we put a new app to test and ask our contributors to comment about it.


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