Bringing Your Gaming Experience Into 2017

Bringing Your Gaming Experience Into 2017


The gaming industry has come a long way since the days of Pong. New technology is making gaming more immersive and more realistic. These days you no longer need to get a console to play a game. Gaming through your phone is now possible with the rise of technology – RPG games, network games, and even online casinos (카지노 사이트) are now available through mobile devices.

Experience VR

Virtual reality has taken the gaming world by storm. Once purely commercial concepts, VR headsets are now more available and affordable than ever before. The most famous model is the Oculus Rift, but there are all manner of budget headsets that can be used with any smartphone. VR is thought to continue taking off for years to come. It’s also seeing practical uses outside the gaming world – helping pilots, surgeons and the military to carry out realistic training exercises without the associated risk.

Employ facial and voice recognition

Voice recognition is nothing new – however, modern tech is constantly becoming more effective at interpreting the human voice. The likes of VoiceBot now allow you to take control of games with your voice, allowing you to operate extra functions like hotkeys. For pro PC gamers, this can make multi-tasking all the more possible.

Facial recognition software meanwhile is now finding its way into the gaming world too. Such software can be used when creating fully customisable in-game characters that look just like you.

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Go ultra HD

Your average PC monitor may be able to play most games, but if you want to take things to the next level, it may be worth shopping around specialised gaming monitors. HD screens have now been overtaken by UHD (Ultra High Definition) monitors allowing an even more photorealistic image. Combined with a decent graphics card, you can achieve a performance which is likely to give you the edge over other players. Some gamers experiment with multiple screen setups that give them a greater visual range, whilst alternatively being able to display leaderboards or chatrooms whilst gaming. Monitors can even be rotated and plated together to create the illusion of one giant screen.

Build your own custom console

Modding your PC into its own custom console has become easier than ever before, with specialised graphics cards and keyboards available that don’t require you to experiment with overclocking or other forms of tampering. Such hardware is widely available online and tutorials telling gamers how to insert such hardware.

This isn’t the only way to build your own console though. Computer devices such as the Raspberry Pi can be easily used to build customisable TV compatible consoles. Many nostalgic gamers have been using the Pi to create an all-in-one retro games console capable of playing games all the way up to the PlayStation 1 era. Emulators can be easily downloaded so that you don’t have to have any coding knowledge. Such games can then be downloaded onto the Pi, which you can then plug up to your TV, using a controller of your choice.


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