3 Top Betting Advice Apps For Your iPhone

3 Top Betting Advice Apps For Your iPhone


3 Top Betting Advice Apps For Your iPhone

There are few amongst us that don’t enjoy a bit of a flutter; but wouldn’t it be great if we were just a little more certain about whether our bets were going to win or not? There are sites that give great advice on online betting and gambling as well as the latest news and you can also get tips delivered straight to your iPhone by getting apps like these:

1. Winning Sports Betting Advice – Winning Sports Betting Advice - NSC Partners LLC

If you want to try and buy your way to a win then download Winning Sports Advice, an app that will all allow you to purchase winning sports betting advice from recognized world-wide handicappers directly from your iPhone or iPad. The app features links to such illustrious names as Joe Gavazzi in Pittsburgh, PA, Rocky Atkinson in South Carolina, Timo Kanerva in Finland, Billy of IndianBet in Greece, Joe D’Amico in Las Vegas, Tony Karpinski in Pennsylvania, and Tony George from Missouri.

Winning Sports Betting Advice iPhone App Review

If your preferred game is featured in this list, then this app is for you:

  •  Basketball – Professional and College (CBK & NBA)
  •  Football – Professional and College (CFB & NFL)
  •  Baseball (MLB)
  •  Hockey (NHL)
  •  International Soccer (SOC)
  •  Tennis (TEN)
  •  Boxing (BOX)

2. BetTips – BetTips – Sports Betting Pro Advice - RogueGames

This app boasts a team of professional Tipsters that analyse a plethora of sporting events day in, day out and provide up to date gambling tips on an hourly, daily or monthly basis. They look at everything fromweather, injuries, terrain, history, and seasonal performance in order to bring you the best advice possible; just remember, nothing can be sure until that final whistle is blown!

BetTips Sports Betting Pro Advice iPhone App Review

3. Bet2Win – Bet2Win Soccer - Personal Betting Advisor - Venikom

With a price tag of $39.99, this app certainly isn’t cheap; however, the team behind the app ‘guarantee’ that you can make this money back on your first bet. Of course, with live sports gambling there are no guarantees, but with a ratio of 86% of winning tips in the previous year, this app may just be worth the expenditure.

Bet2Win iPhone App Review


  1. There are a couple of ways in which you can take care of your spending in these sports websites. You can keep a record book to record all your bets. Every tiny detail about the spending on the Sports betting website must be mentioned in the record book along with the dates. You must mention the money that you deposit, the amount that you take out to spend, the bets you have won and the bets you have lost.


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